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Blockchain platform

Almost everyone thinks of technologies used in the financial sector and to buy cryptocurrencies. Nobody imagines that they can be useful for generating trust in transactions between customer and supplier during the purchase and sale of goods and / or services. In practice, the Blockchain allows you to store data in an environment shared between multiple users but it does so indelibly, thus guaranteeing that that transaction really took place. In practice, there are various servers (thousands) in the world that store that transaction and they all do it by storing the same information. So, unless a hacker can alter this information at the same time on all connected servers in the world, the information is certified. To certify these transactions, "smart contracts" are used, which allow simple and fast transactions. Let's see some examples of transactions that can be used through this technology:

  • A company that performs maintenance services that must publish a document to certify that maintenance has been completed and share this information with its customer.
  • In the case of a public tender where service standards must be met. Updates to these standards are published so that the public body can verify them.

There is no limit to the applications that can take advantage of this "trust" system. Of course because the Blockchain generates trust in the customer-supplier relationship because when a document or a transaction is published, whether it is true or false, both the customer and the supplier will forever know that that transaction really took place. In practice this trust is obtained because what is called a “distributed ledger” is used. That is, each of the servers in the world participating in the chain keep all transactions stored and synchronized with the other servers so that each server knows everything and the same thing is replicated on all the others. Even if this technology seems distant to small and medium-sized enterprises, it is not. Our company has developed a simple business model for companies so that we can offer this service to all companies to easily publish their transactions and / or documents. The scenarios for the near future are various and here we mention a few:

  • Publication of service documents to a customer.
  • Publication of payslips for employees.
  • Publication of voting trends.
  • Publications of the progress of a project.

These are just small examples of transactions for which it is worth relying on the Blockchain. There is only one rule:


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